Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Apple iTurd

This new iPhone thing is all the rage. But I don't care. Like, I'm focusing on the iTurd.

It is ironic to me that the very people who criticize Microsoft for holding a monopoly on the market would by a piece of crap from Apple (who makes the hardware AND software for their computers) as long as it carried the ‘i’ in front of the name. Introducing the iTurd. If Steve Jobs himself called and told me he was sending me an iPhone, I would politely decline. Or at least ask him how Woz was and then decline.

Steve Jobs had better learn something, and he'd better learn it fast: I don't want to listen to music while I'm on the phone. That's why I'm on the phone.

To be honest, I don't know much about technology. I'm not even sure what the iPhone is. All I do know in this cold, harsh world is that the word "iTurd" is pretty funny.

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